Cremation in Clearwater, FL and Surrounding Areas
About Cremation
Federal Trade Commission requires that all funeral, cemetery, and cremation companies provide an itemization of all services and merchandise. The General Price List is provided so you have the ability to pick and choose what you want, so please review that information at your convenience.
Service Options

Learn More About Our Options for Cremation in Clearwater, FL and Surrounding Areas
Traditional Service Followed by Cremation
Your loved one is prepared in the same manner as for burial (embalming, hairdressing, makeup, clothing, etc.) and placed in a casket for a visitation and funeral service. We offer "cremation caskets" that are economically priced and designed to be cremated.
We also offer a "rental casket" option. The outer shell of the casket is reused, while a brand-new inner liner temporarily holds the body for services, and then becomes the container in which the body is cremated.
After the service is complete, the body is cremated, and the cremated remains can be inurned (buried), scattered, or returned to the family.

Cremation with a Memorial Service
Better known as a “Celebration of Life” without the body present. Your loved one is cremated, the cremated remains are placed in an urn or special container, and a memorial service at our funeral home, or the church or location of your choosing, follows.
After the service is complete, the cremated remains can be inurned (buried), scattered, or returned to the family.

Cremation with a Veterans Service
Your loved one is cremated, the cremated remains are placed in an urn or special container, and a memorial service (Celebration of Life) at our funeral home, church, or location of your choosing.
After the service is complete, special military honors, rites, or ceremonies occur at the chosen cemetery.

Cremation with a Graveside Service
Your loved one is cremated, the cremated remains are placed in an urn or special container, and a Graveside Service occurs at the place of burial.

Direct Cremation
Your loved one is cremated with no funeral service or viewing after they pass. The body is not prepared in any way, and an alternative container is used instead of a casket. The body is immediately cremated, and the cremated remains can be inurned (buried), scattered, or returned to the family.
While Direct Cremation might seem like an easier and less expensive alternative to a Cremation with a Celebration of Life, grief experts believe that having some type of ceremony to honor the deceased better helps loved ones through the healing process. However, please know that if Direct Cremation is what you desire, our funeral directors will always honor your wishes.